Made From Cellulose Insulation

Packaging you and your customers won't feel bad about!

Common Questions

Q. How much does GrazeCart make on this packaging?

A. $0.00. We fired up this site simply to help promote and make these boxes available. The manufacturer is CMS Green and Marion Supply, LLC is the distributor who you'll be purchasing form.

Q. How far can I ship frozen perishables while using these coolers?

A. $0.00. We fired up this site simply to help make these boxes available. The manufacturer is CMS Green and Marion Supply, LLC is the distributor who you'll be purchasing form.

Q. How far can I ship frozen perishables while using these coolers?

A. Within the 1-day shipping zone ( or av. of 32 hours before FRZ product begins to thaw.)

Q. When Shipping FRZ perishables, can I use Gel Packs?

A. You cannot use gel packs. Dry ice required.

Q. How much dry ice do I need to use per order/parcel?

A. Minimum of one 5 LB 'bagged' or 'sleeved' Block of Dry Ice per parcel, or a minimum of 8 lbs of bagged pellets of dry ice per parcel. For ideal cold chain performance, try to have at least 10 lbs of frozen product per ea. parcel. 

Q. How to best to keep product frozen?

A. There are three crucial factors:

1.  Use minimum dry ice requirement.

2. Eliminate as much 'void' or 'air space' within the parcel by choosing the correct sized box, and using void fill like 'packing paper'.       

3. Limit input & output air flow in the parcel by taping the seams on the corrugated box. Note don't seal completely, due to the fact that dry ice can build-up pressure contained in the parcel if sealed too well. 

Q. Are these coolers eco-friendly, biodegradable and or recyclable?

A. All material is recyclable and made from recycled materials. All biodegradable except for the supplied vapor barrier.

Q. Where can I purchase dry-ice?
A. Use our GrazePack's Dry Ice directory